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Tomato leaves can curl in response to environmental stresses, like lack of water, or as a symptom of a disease, like tomato leaf curl virus, shown here. CAES News
Tomato leaf roll
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents, like myself, are getting several phone calls about the leaves on homegrown tomato plants curling and rolling inward. Curling or rolling of tomato leaves can be caused by various factors including environmental stresses, a virus or herbicide damage.
Container garden including several different plants CAES News
Hot weather stress
When the temperatures reach triple digits, we hear plenty on the news about how to take care of our pets and ourselves, but not much about our plants. Recent record temperatures can obliterate our lawns and ornamentals in just a few hours if these plants are already under stress for other reasons.
Lawn being fertilized CAES News
Water Smarter
A beautiful lawn needs water. However, with another dry summer looming, that water may be in short supply — whether it comes from the sky or the sprinkler.
Cooperative Extension Southwest District 4-H'ers play beneath center pivot irrigation at the 2012 4-H20 camp at Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Ga. CAES News
South Georgia 4-H'ers have fun learning about water conservation.
Dozens of 4-H students playing under the dangling spray nozzle of a center pivot irrigation system may look like a fun way to cool off in the south Georgia heat. But it’s also a lesson in water conservation.
April Climate Report
April continued the trend of warmer than normal months across the region. Temperatures continued to be 2 to 4 degrees above normal. Rainfall was scarce across most of the state, leading to increases in drought conditions across all but the far northwest corner of Georgia.
August weather
And the vicious cycle continued in August, which brought sparse rainfall and hot temperatures to Georgia for the seventh straight month, increasing drought across the state.
The early summer following an El Niño winter climate pattern – like we had this past winter -- is typically warmer and drier than normal. With the warmer temperatures and drier-than-normal conditions, soil moisture will quickly decrease over the next two months. CAES News
Sizzle, sizzle!
Based on the average mean temperature, Alma, Athens, Augusta, Columbus and Savannah, as well as Tallahassee, Fla., all experienced the hottest summer on record.
Drought in Georgia
Extreme drought conditions now cover most of Georgia south of the mountains. Extreme drought is the next-to-highest drought category. All counties in Georgia are now classified as being in moderate, severe or extreme drought.
Hurricane damage to vehicle and home CAES News
Stormy Weather
The probability of Georgia being directly hit by a hurricane in any given year is low. Regardless, Georgians should prepare just in case says the state’s climatologist.
Mark Risse, left, and Adam Speir check out the compost piles at the University of Georgia. Risse and Speir are faculty in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. CAES News
Climate change
University of Georgia researchers recently joined a national team of scientists working on a five-year, $4.1-million U.S. Department of Agriculture grant designed around climate change’s effects on animal agriculture.