Browse Animal Diseases and Parasites Stories - Page 5

47 results found for Animal Diseases and Parasites
Mosquitoes feed on sugar water in Mark Brown's endocrinology lab on UGA's Athens campus. CAES News
Heartworms: deadly, expensive
County and city officials in the Southeast spend millions of dollars each year to combat mosquitoes. But those costs are only a fraction of what Southeastern families spend to keep their furry family members safe from mosquito-born parasites.
A group of black flies CAES News
Beneficial black flies?
Black flies drink blood and spread disease such as river blindness—creating misery with their presence. A University of Georgia study, however, proves that the pesky insects can be useful.
A UGA student shows off his mealworm chocolate chip cookie at the UGA Insect Zoo in April 2010. CAES News
UGA Insect Zoo
There won't be any lions, tigers or bears, but the University of Georgia’s annual Insect Zoo will let visitors get up close and personal with roaches, crickets and other bugs.
Mosquito cage in Mark Brown's mosquito endocrinology lab on the UGA Athens campus. CAES News
'Skeeter' season
This year’s exceptionally warm winter and the early spring temperatures mean Georgians may be dealing with warm weather pests, like ticks and mosquitos, earlier this year.
Georgia Pest Management handbooks 2012 CAES News
Pest management guide
The 2012 Georgia Pest Management Handbook is now available. The thirty-third Commercial Edition, published by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, provides more than 800 pages of current information on selection, application and safe use of pest control chemicals around farms, homes, urban areas, recreational areas and other environments where pests may occur.
Use tweezers to remove ticks. Pinch the tick close to the mouthparts to remove as much as possible. If the tick head is left behind, don't worry. Having a tick attach itself to your skin is like having a thorn. Your body will expel it over time. CAES News
Nix ticks
It’s summer, and outdoor activities are on the menu. Make sure you don’t end up on the menu of a blood-sucking travel partner when you are out and about, say University of Georgia experts.
Engorged bird tick on cedar waxwing CAES News
Bird ticks
If you're into birding or just enjoy watching the action at your bird feeders, some scientists have a request: look for ticks.