Browse Home Safety Stories - Page 5

60 results found for Home Safety
The second-leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., radon is an odorless, invisible, tasteless radioactive gas released by the natural decay of uranium in our soils and rocks. UGA Extension offers a low-cost service for those who need to test their home for radon. CAES News
Radon Testing
The University of Georgia Radon Education Program recommends testing your home for radon in recognition of National Radon Action Month in January.
PRIDE, Parents Reducing Injuries and Driver Error, is one of five programs selected for inclusion in a new national publication highlighting innovative programs that are effective in reducing teen driver crashes. The program, developed by the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences, helps both parents and teenagers develop safe driving habits. CAES News
Traffic Safety Grant
The University of Georgia Traffic Injury Prevention Institute has been awarded a $642,900 grant from the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety to continue its statewide education programs in the areas of child passenger safety, parent and teen driving safety and senior driver education.
When it comes to staying hydrated, water remains the best choice. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say electrolyte replacement drinks are usually only needed if you participate in intense, strenuous activity for more than 90 minutes. CAES News
Well Testing
Much of Georgia was wetter than normal during November 2015, and with all that rain there’s a chance some runoff may have contaminated private wells around the state. While an odd taste, corrosion and staining are signs of water contamination, most contaminants aren’t readily detectible. Ensuring the safety and quality of your well water requires laboratory testing.
Many Georgians are confusing the common wheel bug, which is beneficial in Georgia gardens, with the kissing bug, which made news earlier this fall. CAES News
Kissing Bugs
Over the last few weeks, many Georgians have focused their attention on the media-hyped coverage of the kissing bug. Much of the sensationalism and worry surrounding this insect boogieman is unwarranted, according to University of Georgia entomologists.
Toy Safety
A parent’s top priority is the safety and health of their child, but many parents may unknowingly make mistakes when purchasing toys for their children. As the holidays roll around and wish lists are compiled, a UGA Extension specialist urges parents to be aware of potential dangers.
Pie pumpkin painted during workshop at UGA Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Preserving Pumpkins
Pumpkins are a staple of fall-time cuisine and festivities. Whether canned, dried or pickled, there are some important tips to keep in mind when preserving this holiday favorite. Due to natural acidity levels, pumpkins require certain precautions be taken when canning in order to make preserves that are safe to eat.
Melony Wilson handles livestock frequently as part of her job with the University of Georgia Department of Animal and Dairy Science. She also knows how to keep herself safe while doing so. A new Georgia 4-H program will now help 4-H agents teach children across the state how to get up close and person with livestock without contracting a zoonotic disease. CAES News
Zoonotic Disease Detectives
Georgia 4-H is piloting an educational series aimed at teaching children how to help prevent the spread of animal diseases like swine flu, salmonella, E. coli and rabies.
As a result of a roof leak, mold grows on the ceiling of a home. CAES News
Mold and Mildew
Mildew and musty odors sometimes develop during periods of damp weather. Controlling them can be as easy as buying a dehumidifier or placing a moisture barrier under the home.
Kathryn Holland, a graduate student in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, prepares to hang a radon testing kit in her office. CAES News
Radon Testing Kits
Your home may be filled with an invisible, radioactive gas called radon. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that comes from the decay of uranium found in most rocks and soil. It ranks as the second-leading cause of lung cancer and is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.
"I am Georgia 4-H" logo CAES News
Social networking security
Some 37 percent of American 10-to-12-year olds are active members of the social network site Facebook, according to a 2010 study by McAfee. To help Georgia teens stay safe on the Internet, Georgia 4-H specialist Cheryl Varnadoe teaches youths to make wise decisions when posting information to social network sites like Facebook and MySpace.