Browse Urban Agriculture Stories - Page 4

169 results found for Urban Agriculture
Dan Suiter is a UGA Extension entomologist based on the university's Griffin campus. He directs the structural pest management program and was recently named the chair of the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture Faculty Advisory Committee. CAES News
Suiter Appointment
University of Georgia Entomology Professor Dan Suiter has been named the chair of the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture Faculty Advisory Committee.
July is Smart Irrigation Month. It's a good time to check home irrigation systems and develop more efficient irrigation habits. CAES News
Smart Irrigation
Landscape irrigation can be tricky, especially in the summer. During the month of July — Smart Irrigation Month — University of Georgia experts have advice on how to use irrigation as efficiently as possible.
More Georgia students, like these at City Park Elementary in Dalton, Georgia, are learning science, technology, engineering, art and math by planting and tending school gardens. CAES News
STEAM Studies
School gardens can be an integral part of a school’s STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) curriculum.
Adding mulch to landscape beds can be an effective way to control small weed infestations or in areas where herbicides cannot be used, UGA Extension experts say. CAES News
Weed Killing
Many clients contact their local University of Georgia Cooperative Extension office frustrated with grasses taking over their flower beds or vegetable gardens. Here are a few tips to take some of that weed stress away.
Abnormally dry conditions this summer have kept Georgia's mosquito populations mercifully low, but that's no reason for Georgians to let down their guard, especially this season. CAES News
'Skeeter' Season
Mosquito activity this spring has been nearly as erratic as Georgia’s weather. In the wake of the recent rainfall, homeowners should eliminate any standing water left behind, which makes perfect mosquito habitats.
Greenhouse and nursery growers from across the southeastern United States converged in Athens June 12-15 for the inaugural Academy of Crop Production hosted by the UGA Department of Horticulture. Part of the program included the annual Industry Open House at the Trial Gardens at UGA. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Each year the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia hosts a summer open house to show off the season’s best plants. This year they’re working to beat the heat by moving the party from July to June.
Georgia sod producers are scrambling to provide more zoysia this season. The popularity of the grass coupled with the wet growing season has their supplies running low. UGA turfgrass researchers Paul Raymer (left) and Alfredo Martinez (right) are shown inspecting a roll of sod with retired UGA Extension turfgrass specialist Gil Landry. CAES News
Zoysia Shortage
Zoysiagrass is gaining in popularity throughout Georgia. Couple increased popularity with a wet and overcast 2018 growing season and some Georgia sod producers are seeing a decline in their inventory.
Students in the UGA Horticulture Club prepare for their Spring Plant Sale, which will be held April 6-8 and April 12-15. CAES News
Job Placement
It’s graduation season, and for graduating college seniors, that means it’s time to join the job market.
Based on the UGA Griffin campus, Bodie Pennisi coordinates a statewide program that supports the professional landscape industry. She also assists UGA Extension agents with landscape troubleshooting, landscape planning and local programming, and she conducts applied research on wildflowers and ornamental plants. CAES News
Pennisi Awarded
University of Georgia Department of Horticulture Professor Bodie Pennisi has been named a UGA Public Service and Outreach (PSO) Faculty Fellow for 2019-2020. The program provides UGA professors with an opportunity to apply their research and course curriculum to the needs of a specific PSO unit at the university.
Perfect composting conditions require the perfect combination of materials — not too much brown matter, not too much green matter, not too cold and not too dry. CAES News
Composting 101
International Compost Awareness Week is May 5 to 11 and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices across the state are prepared to provide advice for homeowners who want to start recycling their food and landscape waste into compost to improve their soil.