Browse Students Stories - Page 4

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Three graduate students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) have been honored with an E. Broadus Browne Award for Outstanding Graduate Research: plant pathology student Shaun Stice took first place in the Ph.D. category; Sam McDonald, a plant breeding, genetics and genomics student placed second in the Ph.D category; and plant pathology student Caroline Burks received first place in the master’s category. CAES News
Graduate Student Awards 2021
Three graduate students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have been honored with an E. Broadus Browne Award for Outstanding Graduate Research.
Members of the UGA Horticulture Club prepare for the cub’s spring rose sale. Each year, club members sell bouquets for Valentine’s Day to fundraise for club operations, trips and scholarships. (Photo taken in 2019) CAES News
Horticulture Club Scholarship
Students in the University of Georgia’s Horticulture Club are growing more than plants. They’re also growing support for current and future Bulldogs.
Greena Kim poses with Chris Rhodes, accepting the $10,000 grand prize. CAES News
2021 FABricate
Every pet owner wants their pet to feel safe and secure, especially on daunting trips to the veterinarian’s office. One major hurdle is the frigid stainless steel tables that offer an unappealing surface for animals that are used to the comfort of home.
A UGA student campus sustainability grant will provide funds to install regionally appropriate fruiting trees and shrubs near Lake Herrick to provide experiential learning, on-site education and long-term fruit foraging opportunities for students and visitors. CAES News
Sustainability Grants
A University of Georgia student-led project hopes to produce fruitful results with an edible landscape near Lake Herrick.
Doster Harper, a junior studying agriscience and environmental systems at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, was named president of the 2020-21 National FFA Officer Team. Harper is from Covington, Georgia, and attended Newton College and Career Academy. (Photo by Sean Montgomery) CAES News
Doster Harper
At first, Doster Harper didn’t think FFA or a career in agriculture was a good fit for him. But a science experiment about honeybees and some encouragement from his advisor and older students helped change his mind.
A student studies a plant sample under a microscope in the lab. CAES News
CURO Scholars 2020
This fall, the University of Georgia recognized nine undergraduates in its 2020-21 incoming class as CURO Honors Scholars, the university’s top undergraduate research scholarship. Three students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences were selected for the award.
Since the Congressional Agricultural Fellowship program’s inception in 1997, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has helped develop new generations of agricultural policymakers by providing them with the opportunity to gain real-world experience at the highest level. Current Congressional Agricultural Fellows Grace Dodds (left) and Julie Bacon pose in front of UGA's Delta Hall in Washington, D.C. CAES News
2020 Congressional Ag Fellows
Four undergraduate students from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences are representing the college in Washington, D.C., serving as 2020 CAES Congressional Agricultural Fellows.
UGA alumnus and current fourth-year medical student Jake Goodman has been sharing stories about his path to medical school on social media after realizing that the challenges he's faced resonate with many students. He now has over 210,000 followers on TikTok. (contributed photo) CAES News
Pre-health pathways
There’s one college at the University of Georgia from which you might not expect to hear students applying to medical school — the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
UGA Extension intern Katie Martin worked with Cartersville Farmers Market Coordinator Regina Shaw at the Cartersville Farmers Market over the summer. CAES News
2020 Extension Interns
As the summer winds down and classes start back up on campus, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences graduate Katie Martin and senior Morgan Jones reflected on the insights and experience they gained as summer interns with UGA Cooperative Extension.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will premiere a convocation ceremony video on Thursday, May 7, at 6 p.m. CAES News
Convocation Online
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will premiere a convocation ceremony video on Thursday, May 7, at 6 p.m. to celebrate new graduates.