Novel Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop
Novel Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop
The University of Georgia is partnering with The Alliance for Grassland Renewal to host a Novel Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop on Friday, March 15th in Calhoun, GA.
Toxic tall fescue can cause detrimental affects to livestock including fescue foot, reduced weight gains, and lower reproductive performance. This workshop is intended to provide you with the tools and information you need to renovate toxic tall fescue pastures and establish novel tall fescue varieties.
Gordon County Extension Office
282 SR 53 Spur SW - Suite 200
Calhoun, GA
Friday, March 15, 2019
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Early Registration:
$70 per person / $100 for two people from the same farm
Late Registration:
$85 per person / $120 for two people from the same farm
8:30AM Door Registration Opens
9:00AM Welcome and Introductions
Dennis Hancock, University of Georgia
9:10AM Plant Fescue Toxicosis
Craig Roberts, University of Missouri
9:35AM Cattle Economics
Matt Poore, North Carolina State University
10:00AM BREAK & Microscope Demonstration
Amy Flanagan, Noble Research Institute
10:15AM Tall Fescue Establishment and 1st Year Management
John Andrae, Clemson University
11:10AM Management of Grazing Systems with Novel Endophyte Fescue
Dennis Hancock, University of Georgia
11:50AM LUNCH and Microscope Demonstration
Amy Flanagan, Noble Research Institute
1:00PM Seed Quality and Endophyte Testing
Chris Agee, Pennington Seed
Nick Hill, University of Georgia
2:00PM Seed Drill Calibration Demonstration
Dennis Hancock, University of Georgia
2:45PM VIDEO: On Farm Economics
Darrel Franson
3:15PM Company Representatives
3:45PM Cost Share Programs
Sheri Teems, USDA-NRCS Dist. Conservationist
Philip Brown, USDA-NRCS Grazinglands Cons.
4:15PM Producer Panel
**NOTE: Once you "Add to Cart" you can choose if you are registering for one person or two people**
Make checks payable to: Alliance for Grassland Renewal
Please Include: Name, Address, Phone Number & Email Address with Check.
Mail Check to:
Attn: Cathy Felton
1420 Experiment Station Rd.
Watkinsville, GA 30677