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Emperor's candlestick partners well with the spicy jatropha or Jatropha integerrima. Another terrific combination could include Cuphea 'Vermillionaire.' Grow it close to the back of your border as it does grow large, up to 8 feet tall, with compound leaves that stretch out 3 feet in each direction. CAES News
Emperor's Candlestick
Emperor’s candlestick is considered a shrub in the tropics, yet growing wild, they appear dwarfed in comparison to how they look in landscapes. Although the plant is seen in gardens as a beautiful flower, it is a valuable medicinal plant in developing countries.
Students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Department of Horticulture's "Protected and Controlled Environment Horticulture" class, Candance Young and Donna Nevalainen, harvest vegetables from their high tunnel in December 2016. CAES News
Organic Ag Bootcamp
The University of Georgia’s organic agriculture faculty members are hosting a two-day crash course in organic certification and sustainable growing practices April 22-23 in Athens, Georgia.
Former UGA CAES dean and director Scott Angle, pictured in hat, took a job with the International Fertilizer Development Center in 2015. After a decade of leading CAES's research, outreach and teaching efforts, he now spends his days working to help farmers in developing nations. This photo was taken on a trip to Ghana, where women are responsible for more than 40 percent of agricultural activities. CAES News
International Agriculture Reception
J. Scott Angle, former UGA CAES dean, returns with a sharpened focus on global agriculture to speak on what smallholder farmers need to succeed.
Lucy Ray, UGA Extension coordinator for Morgan County, has been urging Morgan County dairy farmer Everett Williams to apply for the Georgia Farmer of the Year Award for years. In 2017, he applied, and he won. Williams will represent Georgia at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, Georgia, in October, when the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year award is presented. CAES News
Farmer of the Year 2017
For 39 years, Morgan County, Georgia, dairy farmer Everett Williams has helped chart a new path for the state’s dairy farmers.
Governor Nathan Deal, from left, congratulates Harry and Jaime Foster and Travis Cole, of Georgia Grinders, who are accompanied by Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black and College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean and Director Sam Pardue. Georgia Grinder's Premium Nut Butters' Pecan Butter won the grand prize at the University of Georgia's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia 2017
Jaime and Harry Foster, owners of Georgia Grinders Nut Butters, walked away with the grand prize from the University of Georgia’s 2017 Flavor of Georgia Contest for their Georgia Grinders Pecan Butter.
Pecans being researched on the UGA Tifton campus in 2014. CAES News
Pecan Course
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will host the Beginners Pecan Production Course on Tuesday, April 18, at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center.
Peanut plants to be rated at a UGA Extension Peanut Maturity Clinic in Bulloch County in September 2016. CAES News
Peanut Crop
Georgia’s peanut crop is expected to exceed 700,000 acres this year, which increases both hope for income improvement and fear of loss to disease, according to Scott Monfort, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist.
Corn being harvested on the UGA Tifton campus in 2016. CAES News
Georgia Corn Crop
Georgia corn growers can expect to face challenges in pricing this year, according to Dewey Lee, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension feed grain agronomist.
Large sweeps of 'Drift Coral' roses align the entryway at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens in Savannah, Georgia. CAES News
Drift Roses
If you love Knock Out roses, you will relish growing Drift roses. They come from Conard-Pyle/Star Roses and Plants, the same folks who brought us the Knock Out roses. The Drift roses come in a variety of colors, ‘Red Drift,’ ‘Pink Drift’ (double pink), ‘Apricot Drift,’ ‘Coral Drift,’ ‘Peach Drift,’ ‘White Drift’ and ‘Popcorn Drift.'
University of Georgia Extension experts say that you should wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm soap and water to effectively clean them. Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for hand-washing. Sanitizer can be used in the event that soap and water are not available, but soap and water are always the best choice for hand-washing. CAES News
Fight the Flu
Cold, flu, bronchitis and other viruses have affected a number of Georgians this winter. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offers a few tips to help beat the bugs this flu season and keep your family flu-free.