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Kavi, a 13-year-old male Sumatran tiger, traveled back to Zoo Atlanta in March 2014 after nearly two years at Smithsonian's National Zoological Park. ( CAES News
Breeding Tigers
Less than four years ago, the University of Georgia's Franklin West, an assistant professor, and Steven Stice, director of the Regenerative Bioscience Center, contacted Zoo Atlanta about the possibility of producing a bank of stem cells from two species in danger of extinction: the Sumatran tiger and the clouded leopard.
The Southeast Regional Climate Center's preliminary rankings of monthly temperatures indicates that local temperatures throughout the state were among the top five coldest for the month on record. The exceptions were Atlanta (16th coldest temperature for that city) and Savannah (28th coldest). CAES News
November Climate
November 2014 will go on record as one of the top five coldest Novembers for many areas across Georgia, although the final average has yet to be calculated.
Cotton is dumped into a trailer at the Gibbs Farm in Tifton on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. CAES News
Cotton Crop
Most of Georgia’s cotton crop emerged from this year’s early frost with minimal losses, according to University of Georgia Extension cotton agronomist Guy Collins. However, there’s no escaping the harsh reality of the current cotton prices.
Cotton is one of the many crops that the UGA Statewide Variety Testing Program does research on every year. CAES News
Statewide Variety Testing
Georgia farmers need to know what crops can be grown efficiently and successfully in their region of the state. Guidance from University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences personnel with the college’s Statewide Variety Testing program help farmers decide what to plant in the spring.
Laura Perry Johnson is associate dean for Extension in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
New Extension Leader
J. Scott Angle, dean and director of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, announced today that Laura Perry Johnson will become the Associate Dean of Extension beginning Jan. 1, 2015.
A platter of dark and white meat turkey. CAES News
Thanksgiving Leftovers
For many families, the prospect of turkey sandwiches and turkey soup after Thanksgiving is almost as exciting as the big meal itself.
Holiday Food Allergies
Almost 50 million Americans live with a food allergy, so there’s a good chance that a large Thanksgiving guest list might mean that you’re cooking for someone with dietary restrictions.
When planted in the right container, potted plants can be the gift that keeps on giving all year round. Gift-givers should check the plant for signs of disease and insects to avoid sharing an unhealthy plant. CAES News
Plant Presents
House plants make great holiday gifts, but gift givers should be careful to make sure their gift plant is healthy. Otherwise, that cheery Christmas cactus or festive fern can turn into a pot full of heartache by mid-January.
Sleet encases a branch of a leyland cypress tree in Jackson, Ga. CAES News
Cold Plants
Landscape plants get plenty of attention during the summer, but they need protection during Georgia’s winter months. Rather than trying to keep plants warm, gardeners should help protect plants from wind, snow, ice, drastic soil temperature changes and heat from the sun on cold days.
Leyland Cypress trees growing on a Christmas Tree Farm in Nicholson, GA. 7 G's Tree Farm. 
11-11-09 CAES News
Christmas Trees
For more than 500 years, people have brought trees into their homes to decorate for the holiday season. While some families choose artificial and pre-lit trees, plenty of people still want the real thing.