Browse Entomology Stories - Page 48

472 results found for Entomology
Use tweezers to remove ticks. Pinch the tick close to the mouthparts to remove as much as possible. If the tick head is left behind, don't worry. Having a tick attach itself to your skin is like having a thorn. Your body will expel it over time. CAES News
Nix Ticks
Spending time camping, hiking or hunting can be fun and relaxing. Just make sure you don’t get hooked up with a blood-sucking travel partner, says a University of Georgia expert.
Organic learning
Sales of organic foods have exploded, moving the industry from a niche market to a nationwide phenomenon. In 1989, organic foods accounted for $1.25 billion in U.S. sales. By 2005, that number had jumped to $14 billion. This booming industry needs a steady stream of skilled, educated workers like Erica Mehan.