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Rows of forage sorghum regrowth after the first cutting. CAES News
Forage Sorghum
With water use and rising expenses a concern, forage sorghum is a cheaper, more effective alternative for Georgia cattlemen feeding dairy cows, according to University of Georgia animal and dairy scientist John Bernard.
A picture of a corn field from a few years ago. Recent rains have helped this year's corn crop, according to UGA Extension specialist Eric Prostko. CAES News
Road Trip
Like many other young people, plant pathology graduate student Russell Ingram’s friends have an epic road trip planned for this summer. The difference is that instead of setting off for a music festival in the desert or visiting a beach, Ingram’s pals are hitting the road in search of jobs.
Becky Griffin, UGA Extension community and school garden coordinator, speaks to a group of teachers at a school garden curriculum training at UGArden in Athens, Georgia. CAES News
School Gardens
School gardens are an excellent educational tool. English teachers use school gardens by reading a book in class before planting the crops or flowers that were mentioned in the book. Math teachers use gardens to teach division and even geometry by having the children grow plots of plants in different shapes.
5-year-old Parks Powell plays an educational game on his parents' iPad. CAES News
Kids and Tablets
Tablets have become commonplace in today’s classrooms, even as early as preschool or kindergarten. If used appropriately, these touchscreen devices can enhance instruction, according to a UGA Cooperative Extension specialist.
High-calorie drinks lined up in refrigerator. June 2009. CAES News
Healthy Lunch
Are you worried about packing a healthy lunch for your kids this school year? If so, you are not alone; lots of parents struggle to provide nutritious foods that their kids will actually enjoy eating every day for lunch.
U.S. currency and credit cards. CAES News
Sales Tax Holiday
The 2016 Georgia back-to-school sales tax holiday starts at midnight on Friday, July 30, and ends at midnight on Saturday, July 31. Certain purchases made over the tax holiday weekend will be exempt from state and local sales tax.
While many of Georgia's 63 species of mosquito thrive in wet weather, southern house mosquitoes — which transmit West Nile virus — prefer dry or even drought conditions. CAES News
West Nile Virus
With its shocking impact on babies and mothers, the Zika virus has gotten a lot of attention. However, some entomologists are looking at the current, abnormally dry weather and becoming concerned that another mosquito-borne illness could become a threat later this summer.
Mosquito Season
Abnormally dry conditions this summer have kept Georgia’s mosquito populations mercifully low, but that’s no reason for Georgians to let down their guard this season.
Use tweezers to remove ticks. Pinch the tick close to the mouthparts to remove as much as possible. If the tick head is left behind, don't worry. Having a tick attach itself to your skin is like having a thorn. Your body will expel it over time. CAES News
Don’t be afraid of ticks, says Nancy Hinkle, a University of Georgia professor of entomology.
Harald Scherm, professor of plant pathology and assistant dean for research at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, will take over as department head for plant pathology on July 1, 2016. CAES News
Plant Pathology Head
After nearly two decades helping farmers combat the diseases affecting Georgia’s most prominent fruit crops, Professor Harald Scherm has been appointed head of the University of Georgia’s Department of Plant Pathology following a national search.