2014 SE Hay Convention
The 6th Southeast Hay Convention was held on March 11-12, 2014 at the Oconee County Civic Center in Watkinsville, GA. The event followed on the resounding success of our previous programs. Here is a link to the AGENDA. More information is below.
The 2014 Southeast Hay Convention is valuable to serious hay producers who seek to learn more about modern hay-making techniques. This program is dedicated to those who are serious about commercial hay production and those who would like a thorough, "A to Z coverage" of the subject. We pride ourselves in the fact that this training is unique in the Southeast, as it is essentially the only program of its kind.
Below is an outline of the major topics that were covered. Click the link for more information about the topic.
- Fertilization Outlook for Hay Producers
- Climate Outlook and Implications for the Hay Market
- Hay Production Outlook
- Problem Weeds and What to Do About Them
- Problem Insects and What to Do About Them
- Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers
- Alfalfa Production in the South
- Cool Season Grass Options
- How to Cut, Cure, and Handle High Quality Hay
- Hay Storage Systems
- Preventing Hay Molding and Heating
- Understanding Forage Quality
- Improving Forage Quality
- Keys to Making Baled Silage
- Economics of Baled Silage
- Categorizing Hay for Sale Using Quality Standards
- Evaluating New Hay Enterprises
- Meeting Quality Demands for the Horse Market
- Introduction to the Bermudagrass Stem Maggot
- Are Some Varieties Better than Others? Are Some Regions Worse than Others?
- What Management Strategies Can Be Employed
- Soils of the Southeast and Key Considerations for Hay Producers
- Benefits of Gypsum in Forage Production
- Fine-Tuning Forage Fertilization
- Effect of Polymer-Coated Urea on Bermudagrass Forage Production