Perennial Peanut


  • Lower Coastal Plain, generally below the 31.5°N latitude (roughly a line from Albany to Jesup).
  • Requires well drained sandy soils.
  • Tolerant (but less productive) on low soil fertility or low pH


Rhizomes are planted at 80 to 120 bu/A on prepared land from December to early March. Herbicide essential. Requires 2 to 3 years for establishment. Irrigation can shorten this time period. (Source List of Perennial Peanut Planting Material)

Recommended Varieties

Florigraze for hay or pasture (Arbrook can be used for hay in far S. Georgia)


Perennial peanut is a rhizomatous peanut species that produces high-quality forage and persists well in the area in which it is adapted. This tropical legume is native to South America in a region that mostly lies north of the 30°S latitude. As a result, perennial peanut generally does not survive well north of the 31.5°N latitude (roughly a line from Albany to Jesup). Within these locations, it is best suited to well-drained sandy or sandy loam soils. Varieties that are currently available do not have good cold tolerance and may winter-kill during severe winters.

Perennial peanuts are established by planting rhizomes during December – early March at 80 bushels per acre (up to 120 bushels per acre, if sprigs are inexpensive or freely available.). Perennial peanut may require two years or more to develop a solid stand after sprigging. The establishment phase will be minimized under irrigation. Once established, the stands do not generally tolerate close or continuous grazing. As a result, perennial peanut is primarily recommended for hay production. As a high-quality legume, perennial peanut is an excellent hay and baled silage crop.

Dr. Dennis Hancock
Forage Extension Specialist
Crop & Soil Sciences Dept.