2018 Hay and Baleage Workshop

February 22, 2018 | Carrollton, Ga | March 8-9, 2018 | Waynesboro, Ga

The 2018 Hay and Baleage Workshop is now one for the recordbooks. However, if you are interested in learning more on these topics, additional information is provided here. Below are links to all the materials that were in the Hay and Baleage notebook. For those who would like to download the entire 2018 Hay and Baleage notebook as a pdf eBook, click here. (Caution: this notebook is 460+ pages long, so a high-speed internet connection is RECOMMENDED.)

Table of Contents

  1. How to Cut, Cure, and Handle High Quality Hay
    Dr. Jennifer Tucker, Asst. Professor, Animal and Dairy Scientist
  2. Preventing Hay Molding and Heating
    Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist
  3. Hay Storage Systems
    Dr. John Worley, Extension Agricultural Engineer
  4. Hay for Horses: Figuring Out What Horse Owners Want
    Dr. Kylee Duberstein, Asst. Professor and Equine Specialist
  5. Climate Outlook and Implications for the Hay Market
    Pam Knox, Extension Climatologist
  6. Drought Management: The Root of the Issue
    Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist
  7. Problem Insects and What to Do About Them
    Dr. Will Hudson, Extension Entomologist
  8. Problem Weeds and What to Do About Them
    Dr. Patrick McCullough, Extension Weed Scientist
  9. The Uptake, Mode of Action, and Fate of Herbicides for Hay Producers
    T. L. Grey, UGA
  10. Herbicide Resistance: A Growing Issue for Hay Producers
    Patrick McCullough, Ph.D.
  11. Understanding Forage Quality
    Dr. Jennifer Tucker, Asst. Professor, Animal and Dairy Scientist
  12. Improving Forage Quality
    Dr. Lisa Baxter, Post-Doctoral Associate and Forage Agronomist
  13. Fine-tuning Fertilization in Your Hayfields
    Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist
  14. Alfalfa Production in the South
    Dr. Jennifer Tucker, Asst Professor, Animal and Dairy Scientist
  15. Forage Bermudagrass Varieties for Southeastern Hay Producers
    Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist
  16. Methods for Vegetative Establishment
    Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist
  17. Keys to Making Baled Silage
    Taylor Hendricks, PhD Student
  18. Economics of Baled Silage
    Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist
