Extension Bulletins
Forage-Related Publications from UGA Extension
This is only a partial listing of available titles as many older publications are not available electronically. Hard copies of these older publications are available through your local county extension office. We are currently in the process of updating older publications and eventually all publications will be linked through this site.
- Alfalfa Management in Georgia
- Annual Ryegrass Control in Georgia Hayfields
- Baled Silage Production and Use
- Beef Management Calendar
- Best Management Practices for Storing and Applying Poultry Litter
- Blister Beetles in Georgia Alfalfa Hay
- Brunswickgrass or Paspalum nicorae: A Weed Contaminant in Southern Pastures and Bahiagrass
- Calibration of Manure Spreaders
- Common Terms Used in Animal Feeding and Nutrition
- Crabgrass Control in Georgia Hayfields
- Cutting Costs, Not Corners: Managing Cattle in Tough Times
- Economics of Farm Storage Buildings
- Fences for the Farm
- Fences for Horses
- Forage Systems for Horses in Georgia
- Forage Systems for Stocker Cattle
- Forage Use and Grazing Herd Management during a Drought
- Foxtail Identification and Control in Georgia Pastures and Hayfields
- Grazing Impacts on Pasture Composition
- Georgia Forages: Grass Species
- Georgia Forages: Legume Species
- Georgia Forages: Quick facts about forages and grasslands in Georgia
- Land Application of Livestock and Poultry Manure
- Leafspot Diagnosis and Management in Bermudagrass Forages
- Managing Bermudagrass Stem Maggots
- Meat Goat Production in Georgia
- Nitrate Toxicity
- Novel Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue
- Poultry Litter Application on Pastures and Hayfields
- Planting Guide to Grasses and Legumes for Forage and Wildlife in Georgia
- Preparing and Calibrating a No-Till or Conventional Drill for Establishing Forage or Cover Crops
- Selecting a Forage Bermudagrass Variety
- Selenium in Georgia Soils and Forages: Importance in the Livestock Industry
- Soil and Fertilizer Management Considerations for Forage Systems in Georgia
- Soil Testing- Soil pH and Salt Concentration
- Stockpiling Tall Fescue for Fall and Winter Grazing
- The Management and Use of Bahiagrass
- The Management and Use of Switchgrass in Georgia
- UGA Basic Balancer Spreadsheet
- UGA Feed Cost Analyzer
- Understanding and Improving Forage Quality
- White Clover Establishment and Management Guide
National Publications
These are publications that have been assembled by various experts from across the country. Below each title is a brief description of the publication.
Stocker Cattle: Performance and Calculated Pasture Costs
This publication has been put together by Dr. Don Ball and his colleagues at Auburn University. It presents a comparison of several potential forage systems for stocker cattle development.
Extending Grazing and Reducing Stored Feed Needs
This publication presents strategies for reducing dependence on hay and other stored feeds by focusing on forage species and strategies that extend the grazing season.
Alfalfa - The High Quality Hay for Horses
This publication covers how alfalfa hay fits into horse rations.
Maintaining Healthy Horse Pastures
This a one-page description of how to maintain productive horse pastures.
Minimizing Losses in Hay Storage and Feeding
Topics discussed in this publication include how storage methods affect dry matter and quality losses.
Recommended Principles for Proper Hay Sampling
This publication outlines the basics of obtaining a representative forage sample from a hay lot.
Ten Keys to a Profitable Forage Program
This factsheet summarizes the 10 components of a strong forage management system.
Tall Fescue Endophyte Concepts
This publication presents a review of the challenges associated with the endophyte in tall fescue.
Tall Fescue Online Monograph
This online book is simply the most comprehensive work on the use of tall fescue as a forage crop. In addition to a complete overview of the current state of knowledge regarding tall fescue for forage, it provides a very thorough history of tall fescue from its origins, through the discovery of the endophyte as the causal agent for fescue toxicosis, and the development of novel endophyte technologies.
Understanding Forage Quality
This article presents a good discussion of the factors effecting forage quality and the meaning behind many forage quality parameters (except RFQ).